
At the moment, only studios and individual dance companies can request access. The information I need is:

Once this is received, I will assign a user id, and send a password reset request to the email address. This email will contain a link to a form that allows the user id to be changed, and a password to be set.

With a password, you will only be able to access your own events and any event where another studio owner has indicated that you should be granted access. The only pages that do not require a password to access are the mobile and counter pages.

Passwords can be shared with studio staff, and there is no limit to the number of devices that can be logged on to the application at one time. If you forget your password let me know and I will send another password reset email. At the present time people without access can’t request a password reset.

While you are encouraged to chose a password that you don’t use elsewhere, passwords are stored in an encrypted form so that they can’t be leaked. This means that I can’t see your password or tell you what it is.